Eid Adh Day is celebrated by Moslems. We celebrated Eid Adh Day on Dzulhijah 10th, which in last year was on December 8th. Eid Adh Day is different with Eid Fitri Day. In Eid Adh Day, we usually do special ritual, that is sacrife the sacrificial animal, such as cow, sheep, and goat. Eid Adh Day began when Ismail prophet would sacrifice by Abraham prophet because Abraham prophet got commanded from Allah to sacrifice his son, Ismail prophet. But, when Ismail prophet would be sacrificed by his father, Allah replaced Ismail with a sheep.
Eid Adh in My Area
In my area, every Eid Adh, we have routine activities. Starts from Eid Adh pray in the early morning at 06.00 am, then we continue to sacrifice the sacrificial animal. In my area, usually many people entrust they sacrificial animal to committee in the mosque.
Time for Share with The People Who’s Called Dhuafa
Eid Adh Day is a time for us to share happiness with Dhuafa’s people. The way is with give them sacrificed animal. They will feel very happy because they are very seldom eat beef, lamb or mutton. So, if we are included wealthy’s people, I mean capable for sacrifice the sacrificial animal, we have to do it. Because it is our duty as Moslem.
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